How to get abroad jobs from India?

How to get abroad jobs from India?

How to get abroad jobs from India?
How to get abroad jobs from India?

Well, If want to get abroad jobs from India then this will be the best post for you to help. I am from India and I got an offer from one of the biggest MNC credit card company in United Kingdom. I want to share my journey and I will help you to ease your search.

We always had below questions to find the jobs abroad. Soooo, Lets start.

1. Where to find abroad jobs from India?

Now before starting the search you should know that you need a visa sponsorship to go outside and you will have to find the jobs where you also get the visa sponsorship. I had used below sites to find the visa sponsorship jobs to get abroad jobs from India.
Go to Perks option and select the Visa Sponsor option to filter out the jobs.


Linkedin is the best place to get abroad jobs from India. The main pain in Linkedin jobs portal is it does not provide any option to filter out the visa sponsorship jobs. Now we can filter a bit of it by adding visa sponsorship to your search keyword. Keep the location as Worldwide to find the jobs across the world.

2. How to create your corporate profile?

Its very important to represent yourself, your skill sets on the platform where recruiters can see you. Lets see how to stand out from the crowd get abroad jobs from India.

2.1 LinkedIn Profile

Your linkedIn profile is the key to find your next dream job. Lets see all the factors your linked profile should have.

  • Headline

Add a nice title to your LinkedIn profile. Make sure you add the trending skills and the role you are looking for. I have added below title to my profile –

Full Stack Developer | Freelancer | Java 8 | Angular 6 | Spring | Microservices | Hibernate


I have added as Freelancer because I am doing freelancing projects on top of my full time job and this title makes it easy for the recruiters to find me.

  • Skill Set
Add all the skillset that you know. LinkedIn uses these skillsets to filter the jobs for you. Ask your colleges to endorse your skillsets. You can add up to 50 skill set to your profile.
Know That Order Matters, List your endorsed skills in the order of the strengths you want to highlight. Let’s face it—sometimes praise comes from unexpected corners, and may not be on target with your area of expertise or your experience and aspirations. By prioritizing your top skills and rejecting endorsements that don’t fit, you are training LinkedIn’s suggestion engine to gather more valuable validation and improve search results.
Endorsements may be the differentiator. If two profiles look similar in all respects but one has 120 endorsements for the skill you’re looking for and the other has only 20, you may be inclined to choose the person with 120.
  • Project Information
Always give some project introduction and add you responsibilities in that project.

  • License and Certification
Add all associations and certifications. This will make your profile stronger.

  • Recommendations
A recommendation is a statement that is written by a LinkedIn member to recognize or commend a connection, such as a colleague, business partner, or student. People who view your profile will often read the recommendations you’ve received from your connections to see what others have to say about your work.
  • Extensive Network
This means that the more connections you have, the more likely it is that recruiters will find you. Try to add the HRs and Recruiters to your network, this will help you to find the jobs posted by them.
Follow my profile to know more about it and don’t forget to send me the connection request.

2. StackOverflow Profile

It plays very important role when you apply from the StackOverflow site get abroad jobs from India. Most of the jobs available on StackOverflow are having the easy apply option. It means that you don’t need to go out to that companies website and create an account and add you information over there. With easy apply option you can apply with your StackOverflow profile and additionally you can attach your resume to it.

When you apply through the StackOverflow account you will see the below line.

“A link to your Stack Overflow Developer Story is included with your application.”

What is the Stack Overflow Delevloper Story?

When you Sign up to the Stack Overflow site an navigate to Developers Story, you will see the story page wherein you can add your skill sets, experiences, certifications and your plural sight scores for any language or framework.

You can find my profile to get some insights of it get abroad jobs from India

  • What is PluralSight IQ?
These PlurelSight IQ points will give insights of your skill set knowledge to the recruiters.
Add your Skill IQ to your Stack Overflow Developer Story In less than five minutes, get a clear, accurate measurement of where your skills stand, then share it with the world.
Make it easy for others to verify your expertise, see how your knowledge compares to your peers and boost your credibility by sharing your Skill IQ with the world’s largest developer community on Stack Overflow.
Thats all about the StackOverflow profile. Let me know if you need more information about anything. Just add a comment and I will respond you asap. Happy learning.


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